Okategoriserade 125XLT #uniden #ubc125xlt #scanner #reciever #hf #vhf #uhf #sa6bwx #communicationsreceiver #macro #electronics #hamradio #hamradiouk av SA6BWX|Publicerat 13 april, 2018
Publicerat 11 november, 2017 Cable for the new data link providing network for the DMR and D-Star repeater going up the tower. @sa6bpc and @sa6bxe #sk6lk #dmr #dstar #motorola #icom #tower #repeater #hamradio #hamradiouk #amateurfunk #amateuradio #sa6bwx
Publicerat 22 maj, 2018 Uno vs D1. Which is your favourite board? #arduino #esp8266 #wemos #wemosd1 #programming #electronic #sa6bwx #hamradio #hamradiouk
Publicerat 30 juli, 2017 Built a 1 cell NodeMCU Temp. Reporter #nodemcu #arduino #thingspeak #ds18b20 #iot #18650battery #tp4056 #sa6bwx
Publicerat 24 februari, 2018 What’s inside a cheap dvb-usb stick? #sdr #dvb #rtl #sdrsharp #rtl2832u #sdrrtl #hamradio #hamradiouk #amateuradio #hamr #sa6bwx #electronics