Okategoriserade New Network radio. Or does it count as a radio? Maybe phone is better.. #f22+ #wcdma #wifi #sa6bwx #hamradio #hamradiouk #amateuradio #android #zello #ptt #irn #echolink av SA6BWX|Publicerat 3 februari, 2018
Publicerat 31 oktober, 2017 A little bit more power for the 817! #mxp50m #amplifier #qrp #hamradio #hamradiouk #amateurfunk #amateuradio #sa6bwx #hf #shortwave
Publicerat 1 september, 2019 Dummy loads #pl259 #dummy #load #uhf #pl259 #sa6bwx #hamradio #hamradiouk #amateurradio
Publicerat 31 januari, 2018 New board, too bad it’s the wrong one. Esp32 not 12… ?#esp32 #esp12 #shithappens #moremoneytoaliex #arduino #sa6bwx #electronics #hamradio
Publicerat 5 maj, 2019 If you have a 817/857/897 with the Cat acc connector already doing remote tuner work. The Cat is also available on the front mic connector. Cut of the din connector and crimp a RJ45 and change menu no 59 to Cat and your good to go! Cat and tuner at the same time! #hamradio #hamradiouk #amateurradio #yeasu #ft857 #civ #acc #sa6bwx #cat #wsjtx #ct62 #fc40